For some men, putting together a wardrobe on their own is tough. Not all consume the fashion media or shop all day online. Hence, the arrival of companies like Stitch Fix which can provide you with a personal shopper over the internet. But there’s another approach, a clothing collection where everything goes with everything else so you can’t go wrong even if you are otherwise fashion-phobic.
Zara, which, along with Uniqlo and COS is a cheat code for reasonably priced, reasonable quality, and stylish clothes has introduced Zara Origins, a minimal and elevated collection that focuses on building an everyday contemporary wardrobe and includes apparel, footwear, and accessories. With no less than 205 pieces, it is nothing if not complete. Here’s what Zara has to say:
Origins is a project focused on building a contemporary wardrobe. The aim is to conceive, create and offer garments that are newly-refined archetypes of their kind, fabricated in the finest materials, and manufactured to high standards of expertise and craft. This Origins-assembled edition of clothing harnesses progressive design to combine modern values with outstanding value
Introduced in a video to the music of influential British electronic musician the Aphex Twin, the collection is sustainably made and has literally everything you need to build a basic if monochromatic wardrobe. Think of Zara Origins as a system rather than a collection and it starts to make sense. It helps that Zara has chosen a monochromatic approach with colors like black, brown, and white dominating the palette. It also includes a selection of selvedge denim. Did I say everything matches? Not only can you opt to match or mix and match your favorite colors, after picking up a few pieces, but you’ll also start to notice specific design details that make the pieces interchangeable. Start with chinos and t-shirts and work your way up to suits and tailored coats. There is even a pair of pajamas that can be added to a fit. Just cover with the overcoat or the trench. Buy a few pieces or the whole collection to come up with your everyday uniform. Because these are basics, they will also go well with nearly everything you already own.
Origins has lofty goals and doesn’t always achieve them. Despite Zara’s recent efforts in the areas of sustainability and human rights, this is still fast fashion and it’s too early to tell how long these clothes will last. I can say that the pieces I own from the collection seem fine so far (no stray seams or otherwise shoddy construction) and I’m enjoying how easy it is to combine them.